Wednesday 24 June 2020


You may think that maths is so boring because it exercises your brain.
Well you're wrong about wainui beach school moana hub. Maths in moana hub is so fun for me.Each time I go to maths we learn either a new equation or something quite tricky.

Maths in our class is so fun because our teacher shows us all these new tricks and we keep getting better and better at maths again and again. It is also fun because our teacher is so funny and always makes it funny and hard. In our class we have learnt how to use Koka Ngaires magic
An Example.
All you do is this( 20+20+20+20) Then equal that together then you do this.(2+2+2+2)
Then you add that all together and you have-88

Thank You for listening to my speech on maths. Maybe you could try enjoying maths. And you could become a really good maths mathematician. If that's what you want to be when your older

Tuesday 16 June 2020

🎨My Pepeha Art📌

                          🎨My Pepeha Art📌
This year in our class we started our own Pepeha Art!!. My Pepeha Art is really special to me because it includes everything our school relates to like,     
Awa-Stream:  Awa stream is the Hamanatua Stream.
Maungaroa:  Maungaroa is all of our Mountains and Hills.
Tuahine point:  Tuahine point is our LightHouse.
Marae:  Marae is our Te poho O Rawiri Te Marae.

Our pepeha art takes quite a while because we have to do all of these steps. 

 First we have to draw out our picture using everything we need to. The second step is we have to colour it in but not on top of the picture we do it on the other side, otherwise it will not look good. Then we have to get an a-4 bit of card and put the picture the right way up on the card. The last step is to keep your picture on the card and trace the whole thing again.  You can remove it and you have a piece of beautiful Art
Like this.------------------------------------------------------->

I hope you liked my story about my Pepeha Art.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Learning cool moves in Just Dance🔈🔉🔊

Rendered Image

You may know about my coming back to school from the lock down blog post I mentioned doing Just dance. Well today I am going to tell you what Just Dance is and how I learnt  it.You can actually get the app Just Dance on your device and you can video yourself doing  a Just Dance and then you watch the video and you see what you look like. After every single morning tea everyone races to the hall to get started at Just Dance. I think you should do Just Dance because it can make you fit and it can make your brain grow bigger from trying new moves.  You can watch Just Dance on You Tube.
My favorite dance is old town road because it has all of these tricky but fun moves. Just Dance can have as many people in from single to groups of four you can do Just Dance any time you like. There are also every kind of Just Dance that makes you laugh that makes you happy and way more.
Thank You.


Tuesday 2 June 2020

💕Wahoo School is back💜

                                                                         💕Wahoo School is back💜
We had been in lockdown for at least 5 weeks. Finally on the 18th of May I was able to bike to school and head into my favorite class Moana Hub, and see both of my best teachers, Koka Ngaire and Koka Terri. It felt so amazing to be back at school and see all of my friends again.

In Moana everyone had chrome books for doing our main priorities Steps and E-ako. School practically felt the same but we did have hand sanitizer that everyone had to put on before break and after break. We were still allowed to go into the playground and play on anything we liked.

I am so glad we could head back to school. The best part about every day was that after morning tea we had Just Dance which is when you can get in a group and dance your heart out. The part I missed most about lockdown was that I got to go to my friend's house and work there because we were in the same bubble.