Tuesday 24 September 2019

Seeking help

In my class Room 1 today we were learning how to seek help. If someone says something mean online. This drawing that I made tells you what to do if that happens to you.

Monday 23 September 2019

Term 3 description of my experience

My experience this term has been really awesome.  My first experience was a game called Medic. This game can be played with anyone and anywhere. All you need to do is to huddle and decide on 2 medics. A medic is a person who can tag people that are down to come back up. You will need 2 medics for each team. When you get both of the Medics, you  can get all of the other people out  and you will win.

One of my other favorite things was my speech. My speech was about saving animals. I loved my speech because I love to save animals. I think that I had a lot of expression during my speech. Did you that over  1.4 million cats die a year from humans dumping them? Here is the link to my speech: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RWelxccwbhLSlz7dJFu7kRjKLdYnyPBdcCxKgwym9rA/edit

Last and most favorite of all is the tabloids day. The tabloids day was a day full of games. My favorite game was apple bobbing. I got soaked so I had to use my spare pants. I was able to get one apple although I was aiming for 4 apples.