Wednesday 4 December 2019

Avoiding Scams & phishing

Today I was learning

I enjoyed

I found it challenging to

My digital learning object shows

Next time I would change

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Seeking help

In my class Room 1 today we were learning how to seek help. If someone says something mean online. This drawing that I made tells you what to do if that happens to you.

Monday 23 September 2019

Term 3 description of my experience

My experience this term has been really awesome.  My first experience was a game called Medic. This game can be played with anyone and anywhere. All you need to do is to huddle and decide on 2 medics. A medic is a person who can tag people that are down to come back up. You will need 2 medics for each team. When you get both of the Medics, you  can get all of the other people out  and you will win.

One of my other favorite things was my speech. My speech was about saving animals. I loved my speech because I love to save animals. I think that I had a lot of expression during my speech. Did you that over  1.4 million cats die a year from humans dumping them? Here is the link to my speech:

Last and most favorite of all is the tabloids day. The tabloids day was a day full of games. My favorite game was apple bobbing. I got soaked so I had to use my spare pants. I was able to get one apple although I was aiming for 4 apples.

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Digital life

Today I was learning how to turn the background blank when you take a selfie
I enjoyed adding in the images
I found it challenging to find the right images
My digital learning object shows my digital life
Next time I would change my image of me

Thursday 20 June 2019

24 Hour Footprint: Digital Map

In my class we have been learning about our digital footprint and have been trying to follow it by looking at history here is a short cut to ge history.(ctrl H)

Thursday 13 June 2019


KIa ora my name Is NaIa. I'm a student at WaInuI Beach School. I am In year 5. I'm in room 1 at WaInuI Beach School. I have a famIly of four wIth me, my mum, my dad and my sIster. I like to play netball,soccer and fIghtIng lIke JujItsu. I also love my cat Ruby. I have a very cute cat who Is very fluffy and Is a Burmese. I am good at art, wrItIng and readIng. I enjoy playIng games and watchIng TV. My challenges are to be very good at maths. My goal thIs year Is to be an expert artIst. I have a lot of frIends. I also have lots of neIghbours too. My mum works at home and always has tIme for me. I really lIke surfIng, skateboardIng and playIng wIth my frIends.

Cell phones-First cell phone to the last cellphone

We have been learning about retro tech this term in my class we learned about cell phones.

Monday 18 March 2019

Faces & Places

Faces & Places- Kawa Kawa Tea 

On Wednesday Kauri, from Enviroschools came into Rm 1 and taught us how to make kawakawa tea with kawa kawa leaves.  I will show you how to make kawakawa tea...

Steps of how to make kawakawa tea:
1.  Grab a big pot
2.  Pour hot water in it
3.  Pick kawakawa leaves, about 1 for one person
4.  Break the leaf into small pieces and put them in the pot
5.  Then wait 10 minutes for the leaves to release their flavours, let it cool down too
6.  Then pour it into a mug and drink it is delicious!

It is also good for tummy aches and so much more.  Also with just the leaves you can do a lot more like soothe a sore eye, tooth, itchy bites & bruises.  



Monday 4 March 2019

Cardboard Box

On the weekend I went to a dinner party and at that dinner party we had to bring cardboard boxes so we could slide down gigantic hills and if you go from the top you go zooming fast  down it.

 When I slid down the hill with my best friend  we went from the top and had a real big accident because we slid down and there was a humongous slope so we flew of it and crash landed on the hard dirt and grass we also got winded real badly so we had to go back to the fire and have some dinner. Me and my friend had burgers with salad, we finally finished so we rushed of to the hills with our cardboard boxes under our arms.

 We promised each other that we wouldn't go from the top of the hill because we didn't want to get injured again, so we went from the middle and that was great because we had the best piece of cardboard then suddenly Natarsha said it was time for pudding.Me and my friend raced of into the dark.Me and my friend had berry crumble and canned peaches then it was time to go home because it was 10:00.